Indel Software Highlights 2024

Release 24.4.0

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SPS - Smart Production Solutions 2024

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Indel Gigabit Ethernet Fieldbus

1 GBit/s transfer rate

Cycle times from 7.8125 µs

Absolutely synchronous data transfer

The GinLink fieldbus is setting new standards in automation with a transfer rate of 1 GBit/s. The high fieldbus speed of the GinLink opens new approaches in control systems. Data is transmitted CPU-independently by the FPGAs guaranteeing lowest latencies and highest degree of synchronicity between master and slaves. GinLink is based on proven gigabit Ethernet technologies. Usage of standard industrial components lowers costs and guarantees maximum availability.

Transfer rate

1 GBit/s

Cycle times

Configurable from 7.8125 μs to 1 ms

Number of slaves

Max. 2048


Ring or line


100 m per bus segment


Minimum achievable latency of 1.1 μs


16 ns per slave


Line topology allows adding and removing of slaves


Proven standard Ethernet components


Gin-Frame over UDP (64,000 full-size Ethernet frames/s)


FPGA-driven data transfer, independent of CPU

Data processing on-the-fly

Data processing simultaneous with data transfer